518 N 40th St
Omaha, NE 68131
I'm hard at work, working on the first offering for these perspective filters.  Stay tuned for the official news!

And while you wait, here's the note I'm planning to send with each purchased pair:

Greetings Explorer!
Thanks for purchasing a prototype pair of Luc Amstrong's Perspective Filters.  These "Perspective Filters" are designed to temporarily alter how the wearer perceives reality.  When you put them on, you'll step into a new but familiar environment.  You'll focus on certain elements in your visual field and notice altered colors, fractured compositions and even cellular material in your own eyes. Generally they should be used with plenty of light.  In my experiments I've found that I prefer sunrise and sunset (don't look directly into the sun) but they are also interesting when combined with indoor lighting, digital led / lcd screens or tube televisions.  Digital media is best when 1st person perspective or point of view is used.  It works best for the wearer to think about this as a meditative process.  To get the richest effect wear these for a minimum of 5 minutes (but I've been able to wear them for hours at a time).  The longer you wear them, the more immersive they become.  Adding audio, especially using a cellphone with combined ear buds and microphone plus a real time effects processor adds a certain richness to the experience.  Lately I've been using the AUFX: Space app on my iPhone.  
I consider these to be a wearable piece of art that force a new form of interaction between the wearer and their world.  I've been told 'unofficially' by eyecare professionals that these won't affect a persons vision.  If you have safety concerns please confirm they are safe with your eye doctor, general practitioner or mental health care provider.  If you have epilepsy or experience seizures you should avoid these unless your doctor advises they are safe.  Please don't drive, walk un-aided or do other non-responsible things with these super rad filters on.
Enjoy your adventure!
Luc Amstrong
Artist / Inventor / Entrepreneur

518 N 40th St
Omaha, NE 68131